Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Final Fantasy V v1.1.0 Patched

android downloads

apkjunkie.com Final Fantasy V 1.1.0 Patched APK

Whats New?
Game data can now be saved to the cloud.
Use the cloud save option to commit all of your save data (including quicksaves) to a cloud server, enabling you to access it from other devices. Now you can load your saved games from any device at any time!
Game pads are now supported.
*Some gamepads may be incompatible.
Support for the following languages has been added:
- Russian
- Portuguese
- Thai


android downloads

Updated Size Installs Current Version Requires Android
October 22, 2014 144M 100,000 - 500,000 1.1.0 4.0 and up

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